My evening habits

In order to become the owner of my time and feel happier, I’ve decided to reduce my exposure to technology and recover several hours a week for what makes me flow and enjoy, to rest and relax preparing myself to sleep the best possible.

I've learned lately that if we don't find time every day or every week for certain tasks and leave them on our to-do list, that's where they will remain forever. Only by including them in our routine and creating a habit, we can offer them the time they deserve. Better to spend 5 minutes a day on something than trying to find 3 hours in a row for it, because they will rarely arrive.

When the time comes after dinner, I no longer use the devices and focus on other kind of things. So are my habits every night:

  • I prepare a light tea or infusion, white, oolong, ginger, fennel are my favorites. I focus on the process of heating the water, choosing a nice mug, and slowly pouring the tea over it.

  • I light a candle in the meantime. Its soft light generates in me a great feeling of well-being and also fills the room with a soothing smell. Fig, bergamot, cardamom or lotus.

  • One way to cut out distractions is to read a book that gets my full attention. Spending more time reading is among my goals now.

  • I love putting my hands on something creative, such as watercolor, calligraphy or knitting while listening to music. These calm my body and clear my mind. Pure mindfulness to wrap up the day.

  • Tidying up the living room, putting things back in place, and arranging the kitchen is a great way to start from scratch the next morning.

  • A small handful of minutes daily are enough for personal care. Applying a cream, massaging my legs or taking a very hot shower, prepares me for bed.

  • In an instant I prepare the agenda for the next day. I think about the tasks that will take priority for me in the morning and visualizing them in advance helps me tackle them easily.

  • I like to think about the things I am grateful for before turning off the light. This habit makes me more aware of what we have. It helps me feel positive emotions and relish good experiences.

  • Going to bed early is essential to stay fresh in the morning. This is something I am working hard to achieve!

What are your rituals before going to bed? do you want to share them with me?