2021 Resolutions


Learn to pause, and even stop short, learn to listen, be more present and serene, connect better with those close to us in real life and less with the technologies that literally absorb our life. Knowing my gift better to offer it to the world, being clear about my purpose in life, the one that makes me get out of bed super excited every morning. This is where I find myself now, trying to do less instead of more.

They recommend that New Year's resolutions be realistic, measurable, and that we can "easily" turn them into habits. And I don't know if it's my gray hair or my tiredness, but exercising and all that blah is no longer among mine. I have replaced them with having time to myself, prioritizing myself over other less important tasks, and having time to read, listen and learn.

I feel that this last year has taught us a lot about all this, that living with impatience gets us nowhere, that we have to be able to tolerate uncertainty and accept the changes that break into our lives, whatever they may be.

In this same sense, our homes have to adapt to our needs, evolving with us. Something that sometimes is not easy when space is scarce, and a place where we can find peace and silence to think and work is needed more than ever. When every cm2 counts, it is when the need to eliminate any element that is not absolutely essential becomes vital to accommodate what really matters.