Reduce your possessions

Ready to let go of the things that hold you back?

Remember that minimizing is a process and takes a bit of time. The best way to get used to discarding things is to make it a habit. Start small and do it every day. Discarding something also requires skill. The more you do it, the less time it will take and the easier it will be to say goodbye to your stuff. There is more to be gained by removing excess than you might think: space, time, freedom.

The idea is very simple. Begin with an easy area that distracts you the most. Just go through one drawer or shelf at a time and remove everything that isn't absolutely essential, that you don't love and use frequently. Empty the entire area and put back only what meets the requirements. Give the rest a second life: sell it, donate it, recycle it.

Organizing is not minimizing. Make your storage space smaller and leave the "unused" space empty. Minimizing will leave you with less but will never make you a lesser person. Remember that those things aren’t you. Without all those possessions out of the way, you will be able to walk lighter and think clearer. The goal is to eliminate distractions to live your life to the fullest.

Minimize everything you have in multiples, what you have not used in a year, what you have already forgotten about. Get rid of all the possessions that you can not defend with passion, anything that creates visual noise. Every item you decide to keep should be useful and beautiful.

Ask yourself if you would buy that item again if you had lost it. If the answer is affirmative then find a place for it and put it back there every time you are done. Think about starting from scratch. Which items would be really necessary if you started with zero belongings? You will find out which elements are essential.

There are items that will not be easy to get rid of. We become very attached to certain objects with emotional value. We believe that by letting go we will forget, but the memories are in us, not in these objects. Try taking pictures of those items and we can easily go back to them. Get help from a good friend. It is always easier to deal with other people's things, due to the lack of that emotional attachment. Don't get caught up in the idea that you spent a lot of money for that item. If it had cost a tenth, do you think you could just let it go?

Lead by example. Teach your children to be happy with few possessions and also get them into the habit of putting things away. They will thank you in the future.

Enjoy the process and be grateful when you say goodbye to items that you received as gifts, that belonged to someone else, and that you don't really need. Focus on your gratitude to this person, smiling, and that sense of appreciation will remain forever.

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Admire the simplicity of this new peaceful space. Feel the lightness, the happiness.