Why do we accumulate things?


Are you feeling overwhelmed at home by all the visual stimulation? Can't focus on a single task and are easily distracted? Does it cause you stress when you can't find something in a hurry? Do you feel frustrated and lacking in energy every time you think about making room at home? How about living happier and sleeping better? Would you like to have more space? Want to spend less time cleaning, organizing, and dedicate this time on what you really love to do?

The reasons we accumulate things is that we don't want to leave the past behind and we are also afraid of the future. We feel attached to objects because they remind us of past moments or loved ones and we believe that by letting go, we will forget those memories. Keeping stuff “just in case” we might need it someday is another way of clutter.

Now more than ever we put a lot of power in the objects that give us identity, a sense of value, security, hope, memories, comfort. We use objects to tell people how valuable we are. But all that power does not come from all these material things. We are not what we possess. Our possessions are just tools and we must not become slaves to them.

To reverse the curve and achieve happiness with much less, we must begin to pay attention to what is truly important to us, as well as minimize our possessions and live mindfully by our values. Happiness is within us.