Gift ideas for low-waste minimalists


Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it seems like it is one of the few occasions when the entire country agrees and celebrates equally —regardless of religion, thought, politics or colors. It is a date in which there are usually millions of trips in the country to meet the most loved ones, but this year, given the circumstances, many or most have been forced to cancel their trips and traditions.

It is widely proven that having the good habit of feeling grateful and thankful to the world around us brings many benefits to be happier. Not only does it help us improve self-esteem, it makes us more empathetic, more resilient, and also on the physical plane, it makes us sleep better, feel stronger, etc.

I like to spend a few moments every day, usually before going to bed, and think about how wonderful it is to be alive, to have the opportunity to live in a city like New York, have a wonderful family, learn other languages, enjoy a moment of calm and silence, seeing the sky from my window, and thus a very long list of things.

But how can we show our appreciation to others and thank them when we have to keep distances, when we cannot offer the best of ourselves —the only thing we cannot buy— our time?

Many times the best gifts are not things, but shared moments, but there are multiple sustainable choices when sharing teatime, preparing dinner for those who have little time, helping a friend to put together a piece of furniture or taking care of her children for a while is not possible.

Running an errand for someone who can't leave the house, or leaving on their door a basket of fruits, or chocolates and jams, a fresh cake, a good book from our own library, some soaps and candles are always useful and welcome.

In this digital age, a handwritten letter can have a surprising effect, even an unhurried phone call. Other thoughtful, plastic-free ideas that cultivate our inner peace can be an experience that can be done from home, such as a yoga class, a subscription to a music or meditation app, a membership to a museum, a course for promote creativity or a special handmade gift, from us or from Etsy.

How about you? What are your preferences when it comes to giving or receiving?

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!